Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bolivia Mission Prayer Calendar

Would you pray for us? Here is our schedule...
July 24th - Travel to Santa Cruz Bolivia

- VISA at the Airport and safety through customs

- Leaving behind our family

- Safety AA flights #2279 and #947

July 25 - Meet with staff at Centro De Vida

Work and Coordinate with CDV on presentations (PINC)

- Unity in Christ

- Getting the technology to work

July 26 - PINC presentation for missionary kids and moms

Evangelism training for Centro de Vida volunteers

- God will give us his words and open up hearts

- May we be an encouragement to missionary families

July 27 - We will visit a Bolivian church and TUC Trinity Union Church - the only English speaking church in Santa Cruz. In the afternoon we will visit Stansberry orphanage. http://www.stansberrychildren.org/

Safety as we go to the market to buy supplies for the childrens home.

July 28 - PINC presentations in the public schools
Meeting with the Centro de Vida Board

- Open the hearts and minds of the Bolivian students to hear his plan and his call for them

July 29 - PINC presentations in the public schools
Visit Talita Cumi Girls home http://www.talitacumi.org/index.html
Meet with the international bible study fellowship

- Safety for travel

- Open hearts and minds for the students

- Encouragement for the missionary women

July 30 - PINC presentations in the public schools
Visit Cristo Viene Girls Home http://www.nacerministries.org/cristo_viene_girls.html
Film testimonies of clients at Centro de Vida

- Technology to cooperate with presentations and filming

July 31 - PINC presentations in schools

- Lift up the team. We will be TIRED by now.

- Lift up our families. They will be missing us.

Aug 1 - Visit World Concern
Visit Cristo Viene Boys Home
Travel to Samaipata for a retreat

- Pray for safety as we travel into the mountains.

Aug 2 - Visit the Incan Ruins and return to Santa Cruz

- Pray that we will accomplish all God has sent us to do

Aug 3 - Travel to USA

- Pray for safety as we return. AA flights # 922 and 1973

Our daily prayer concerns include:
- Unity in Christ among team members
- Physical protection/Health
- Flexibility with planning. Everything is subject to change.

Team members: Leslie H, Suzanne J, Eve R, Sara R

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